Don't Waste Time ! Get Your Storage Condo Development Answers Right Here

Let's cut right to the chase...

If you read through this website and you don't want to do a storage condo development...well... it again

Storage Condo development is on the rise. There are plenty of opportunities for real estate people, builders, developers, and investors to enter the market. Here you can get a “hand-up” (not a “hand-out”) on how to go about the entire process of storage condo development.

The information in this section (and the whole website for that matter) comes from the experience of developing 15 StorageShopUSA projects in Wisconsin, over 20 years in real estate construction and development, a degree in engineering, and raising 4 kids – the best experience yet!

A few years back, it was apparent there was a need for storage condo development information – We know, We couldn’t find much. We spent the better part of a year, researching and studying the storage condo market. After our first successful project, it was clear that some sort of development manual was necessary. Five years and 15 projects later, the Storage Condo Development Manual is available right here online. The extra years of experience has proven to be a huge asset when it came to delivering the very best information possible to help make a storage condo development project successful.

The manual will help you gain valuable insight into all aspects of this emerging industry. In addition, you have the opportunity to subscribe to the monthly ezine called the “Storage Condo Insider”. More importantly, you as a developer can add your experiences and wisdom to this website to further assist others and/or to promote your development. The goal is to create a very dynamic input forum for this fast growing trend.

Right here on this website (free), we will be disclosing what we learned from the hands on experience with StorageShopUSA developments. We think the more you know and find out the more you will agree that the storage-garage-workshop condo development is not only a “fun” type of project but a very rewarding and profitable one to. If you are so inclined, you may seek assistance through consulting, building-plans, site plans, conceptual design packages, and/or a llicensing agreement, or maybe just be a subscriber and contributor to the storage condo industry. – That’s completely up to you!

StorageShopUSA hasn’t just developed a site or two, they have developed 15 sites. Are they still learning? Yes, but are they working off theory? No. There in lies the difference. This site is full of very simple but very effective, practical experience. The process is simple, duplicatable and it works.

Naturally, it must be said that the information supplied in this website is based on the experience of StorageShopUSA. A couple things come to mind after disclosing all this information. 1) Are you willing to do what we did to get it done? And, 2) we are not sure we explained it in a way that you understood it. For example, you have heard,” a picture is worth a 1000 words?” Our answer to that is, “what 1000 words?” Therefore we both must realize that we are each doing our best to both explain it and understand it. We are going to share with you specifically what we felt made this concept work. Although we are very confident it will, we can’t guarantee it. I suspect you’ll understand this disclaimer and now we can move forward. As a side note, this is like a text book with no teacher instruction. We offer the instruction as a way to bridge the gap between what is written here and the interpretation thereafter.

Enjoy scanning and reading this storage condo development section and hopefully it will give you enough information and prepare you to take the next step. If you should have some questions or want to comment in any way, you can contact us.

If you are already a developer and want to list your project in our directory, you can by simply filling out the form. In addition, feel free to add your own thoughts to the information on this site. For sure, sign up for the ezine and the RSS feed which will keep you informed.

When you are done, you can learn “what to do next” as you continue to explore storage condo development.

The development guide is there to provide an outline of all the elements of a storage condominium developments. Listed below are the major categories of that guide with a complete online discussion much of which is linked to printable PDF’s.

storage condo site selection

storage condo building design and layout

storage condo site design and layout

storage condo construction

storage condo development costs and profits

storage condo buyers

storage condo financing

storage condominium documents

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